Product Highlights
➭ Mounts Nikon AF
➭ Magnification 2.0x
➭ Coatings Digital Multi-Coating
➭ Depth of Field 1/2 of prime lens
Full AF operation with the TelePlus MC7 AF 2.0X is possible using camera lenses with open apertures of F2.8 or brighter.
Please be aware that AF will work properly only if there is enough light and contrast on the subject to activate the camera’s AF sensors.
(Manual focusing may be necessary when using lenses with smaller open f-stop values than that given above.)
The DGX TelePlus converters have updated circuitry to record exif data more accurately.
In the exif exposure data (meta-data recorded with a digital picture) DGX converters record the equivalent aperture and focal length of
the lens setting plus teleconverter. Optically and mechanically they are identical to the prior high-quality DG series converters.
MC7 AF 2.0X DGX are available for Canon EOS (EF, not EF-S) and Nikon AF.
About Kenko Teleplus Tele Converters
Teleconvertor vs Extension tubes
by Matt Granger